Sunday, August 9, 2009

Missing A Quiz

There I was again... Late in the class as usual... and that time, I was not able to catch up with the 20-point quiz that my teacher in Neurological Disorders gave that morning. I was so disappointed at myself. I lost 15% of the total grade! Now, the highest I could get is 85!! Why was I always late?

At night, before I sleep, I'll always set my alarm 2 hours before the class so that I could prepare enough. However, whenever my alarm rings in the morning, it's like as if, my hands are automatically set to turn it off. ARGH!

Sometimes I wonder why am I usually like this? There are times that I become so lazy and irresponsible. There are times that I don't study before the examinations. A lot of things are going on inside my head: usually preoccupied by things which are not related to my future profession. Like arts, music, literature, etc. etc. I know I'm not like other students who fail; but I'm just lazy to study hard. Maybe because there's a crisis in our family right now and I really can't focus on important things in school. I can't find motivation... inspiration...reason for me to want the top.

That quiz I missed... is an added frustration in my life...

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